Private and Semi-Private Classes
If you don’t see a class that you want or would just like to have personalized instruction on a technique, to learn to knit, or to fix a project, private classes can be arranged at mutually agreeable time and place. If there are two or more people interested, we can also arrange a semi-private lesson. The charge is $25 an hour for a private lesson and $40 for two or more. Contact us for more information!
Knitting And Crochet Help Clinic
Wednesdays 4:00pm-7pm: Our Weekly Wednesday Clinics offer an opportunity to bring in your work, ask questions, get help on a tricky project, learn a new skill, start a new project, or just hang out with other fiber enthusiasts. Instructors are Winn and Erica and Cost is $10 per session. Stay for an hour or all 3 hours. No reservation necessary.
The Tacoma Knitting Group
The Tacoma Knitting Group gathers every Wednesday from 2:30pm-4:00pm. Come and share projects & resources and enjoy the company of other enthusiastic knitters crocheters.
Fiber Fingers
The reminder is FFFF – Fiber Fingers Fourth Friday. Join us every fourth Friday of the month from 10am to 1pm to share a relaxed time with other fiber enthusiasts. Bring your spinning, knitting, crocheting or fiber project. There is no charge for this time.
Fibers Etc
2511 S Hood St,
Tacoma, WA 98402
Winn: 1.253.906.8473
Fibers Etc: 1.253.572.1859